What I Wore Wednesday: Fuel and Hydrate Edition

Summer is upon us, and in Florida that means the temperatures are already heating up!  My last few runs have been pretty miserable for a number of reasons.  (More to come on that later.)  But the heat has me thinking that I need some options first and foremost to hydrate during my runs and second, to fuel during long runs.

I currently run with a Running Buddy pouch to hold my phone.  For the most part my Enchanted 10K training was during cooler weather so it was all I needed.  I love the Running Buddy for keeping my hands free while I run, and not having to wear the dreaded armband!  It holds my iPhone 5 great, but I did have some issues trying to stuff it too full during the Enchanted 10K and ended up holding it most of the race.  So for shorter runs where I don’t need a lot it’s great, but it doesn’t have any hydration options.  I’m contemplating getting a Nathan Speed Draw Insulated Flask to compliment the Running Buddy and provide me with much needed hydration in the FL heat and humidity while I run.

The question is whether this option, which seems great for my current training regimen, will be enough for the longer runs required for the half training.   I’ve been contemplating some kind of running belt.  I’ve heard great things about FlipBelts, SpiBelts and a Fitletic belt.  The problem is it’s hard to take the dive and make an investment in one of these options when you’re not sure if it will work for you.

If you run half marathons, or are training for one, what do you use to carry water/hydrate and fuel during your runs?  Through this novice girl a bone and share your wealth of knowledge with me by commenting below with what works for you and why you love it!

2 responses to “What I Wore Wednesday: Fuel and Hydrate Edition

  1. Britsrundisney

    It seems silly, but I love my handheld water bottle – if its in my hand, I can’t really forget to drink it, so its like an added prompt for me to remember to drink! However, it hasn’t got that warm here yet, and I haven’t done any massively long runs yet, so I may get fed up of it in the summer and as the half draws nearer! Hope you find something that suits you soon 🙂

    • Thanks! I went ahead and ordered a handheld water bottle. We’ll see how I like it the next few weeks once it’s arrived! It’s already in the 80’s here so it makes for quite warm running!

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